Here at Cawdrons care about bringing our customers the very best local lamb available. We are proud to source our Lamb from reputable farmer Alan Peck from Erpingham, Norfolk . Alan is well renowned for his high levels of animal welfare, rearing and nurturing his prize-winning cattle on National Trust marshland. Alan’s herd can often be found grazing around Blickling Hall, amongst other well-known estates across Norfolk. Alan’s continental Limousin cattle are hand chosen due to their high marbling and exceptional taste. This wonderful marshland is only 7 miles from our butchers, reinforcing our farm to fork low mile ethos.

For The Grill
Double Lamb Chops
Barnsley Lamb Chops
Leg Chump Chops
Leg of Lamb Steaks
Lamb Breakfast Chops
Garden Mint Lamb Stir Fry
Greek Passion and Garden Mint Lamb Stir Fry
Garden Mint and Caribbean Lamb Stir Fry
Garden Mint Loin and Double Lamb Chops
Lambs Kidneys
Lambs Liver
Lambs Hearts

French-Trimmed Racks of Lamb
Stuffed Crown of Lamb (for the ultimate dinner party)
Boned and Rolled Loin of Lamb, Noisette (not stuffed)
Boned and Rolled Loin of Lamb, Noisette (stuffed)
Cannons of Lamb
Lamb Shoulder Slices
Minted Lamb Shoulder Slices
Garden Mint Marinaded Leg of Lamb Steaks
Minted Lamb Shoulder Slices
Boned and Rolled Shoulder of Lamb
Blade end Shoulder of Lamb
Knuckle end Shoulder of Lamb
Whole Shoulder of Lamb
Fillet end Leg of Lamb
Knuckle end Leg of Lamb
Whole Leg of Lamb
Boned and Rolled Leg of Lamb

Slow Cooking
Neck of Lamb, Scrag end
Neck of lamb, Best end
English Shoulder Shanks
English Leg Shanks
New Zealand Lamb Shanks
Australian Lamb Shanks
Lambs Sweetbreads